Willetton Stadium, Burrendah Boulevard Willetton WA 6155

Junior Competition Forfeits

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There are a few things you need to be across when it comes to forfeiting junior competition matches.

Take a look at all the information you need to know about junior competition match forfeits.

14.1 – Notification

14.1.3 – Definitions

  • 14.1.4 Notified Forfeits: Where sufficient notice has been given and confirmation received.
  • 14.1.5 Un-notified Forfeits: Where sufficient notice has not been given.
  • 14.1.6 Illegal Player Forfeits: Where a Team has fielded an Illegal Player.
  • 14.1.7 A player legally takes the court: If they are legally substituted into the game; or When the ball becomes live to commence a period and they are a player on the court.
  • 14.1.8 A team may be fined the amount equal to a senior game fee if they do not provide 24 hours notice and the opposition is unable to be notified prior to the game.
  • 14.1.9  Any Team forfeiting three (3) times in any one (1) Season, may be removed at the discretion of the CAC and will be fined the amount equal to a senior game fee on the third forfeit.

14.2 – Rule

  • 14.2.1 If a Team does not have four (4) Players who have legally taken the court within ten (10) minutes of the scheduled starting time, they shall lose by forfeit.
  • 14.2.2 If a Team plays while having an Association Invoice overdue they shall lose by forfeit.
  • 14.2.3 If one Team forfeits the final score shall be 20 – 0.
  • 14.2.4 If both Teams forfeiting the results shall be recorded as a 0 – 0 loss to each Team.
  • 14.2.5 Any Team forfeiting three (3) times in any one (1) Season, may be removed at the discretion of the CAC.
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