Willetton Stadium, Burrendah Boulevard Willetton WA 6155

Domestic Clubs

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We’ve got over 500 teams across eight junior domestic clubs based at Willetton Basketball.

Our junior competition is only made possible with the help of dedicated and passionate volunteers who give up their time to keep the ball rolling and the nets swishing at Willetton Basketball. Each of our eight junior domestic clubs is represented by a junior club president/representative. Any club-related queries (such as club fees, training and matchday-related questions or concerns, coach/player matters and uniforms) should be addressed to the president/representative of the club you are playing for. Please do not ask clubs about joining a team. To join a team, please add your child’s name on the waitlist and someone will be in contact when a position becomes available. Please remember that all club committee members are volunteers and have full-time jobs, so they may not get back to you immediately. Take a look at the names and contact emails of each club’s representative below.

For urgent matters or competition-related queries (such as forfeits, stadium camps and online/IT issues), as well as any non-competition-related enquiries, contact the stadium staff by emailing admin@willettonbasketball.com.au or give us a call on (08) 9310 3388.

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